Get lifetime VPN security and privacy for just $20 during this Black Friday sale

[ad_1] You will never again need to worry about your anonymity or sensitive personal data online when the best VPN service offers a lifetime of powerful protection. Image: iStock/Melpomenem It’s truly amazing just how much affordable self-paced training is now…

3 Apple predictions for business professionals in 2022

[ad_1] What’s the next year have in store for businesses using Apple technologies? Here are three predictions Erik Eckel believes will impact Apple business professionals in 2022. Image: Apple Predictions are challenging. The ever-evolving technology industry is especially difficult to…

Amazon Web Services (AWS): A cheat sheet

[ad_1] This comprehensive guide about AWS covers the expansive cloud services offered by Amazon, common use cases and technical limitations and what to know when adopting this technology. Image: iStockphoto/zakokor The rise of cloud computing provides businesses the ability to…

New Gen M18 FUEL™ Finish Nailers

[ad_1] New Gen M18 FUEL™ Finish Nailers November 19, 2021By Todd Fratzel on Nailer/Stapler Updated Milwaukee Cordless Finish Nailers MILWAUKEE, WI – Milwaukee Tool continues to deliver disruptive innovation by introducing the newest generation of cordless angled finish nailers. The M18 FUEL™ 16 Gauge Angled and 15 Gauge Finish Nailers new generation is a pneumatic replacement…

Enterprises get closer to the app store experience with Kubernetes and GitOps

[ad_1] Commentary: The big enterprise problem isn’t running hundreds of apps across multiple clouds; no, the big problem is running the same app consistently on just one cloud or data center. Image: Lisa Hornung, iStock We’re used to getting mobile…

Cisco partners with JupiterOne to enhance its SecureX product portfolio

[ad_1] The new product, Cisco Secure Cloud Insights, offers cloud inventory tracking and relationship mapping to navigate public clouds as well as access rights management and security compliance reporting. Image: Shutterstock/GreenTech Cisco announced this week it has partnered with cloud…